24 Y/M with R tibia IM Nail insitu for implant removal

This is online E-blog, to discuss our patient de-identified health data shared after taking her guardian's signed informed consent.

Here we discuss our individual patient problems through series of inputs from  available global online community of experts with an aim to solve the patients clinical problem with current best evidence based input.

This E-blog also reflects my patient's centred online learning portfolio.

I have been given this case to solve in an attempt to understand the topic of "Patient Clinical Data Analysis" to develop my competency in reading and comprehending clinical data including history, clinical findings, investigations and come up with a diagnosis and treatment plan.

24 year old male patient came to the casualty with right tibia Intramedullary nail insitu for implant removal.

History of present illnesses

Patient had a past history of trauma of 4 years  back later which he sustained implant over right leg for which nailing was done 4yrs back and he started to walk with help of support 2 months following the surgery patient had pain on walking which was dull aching and non radiating , aggravated on weight bearing, relief on rest .
No history of trauma patient then had operated for non-union for which iliac bone grafting was done.Patient started walking ( weight bearing) 2 months after surgery.
Patient now has pain occasionally dull aches,non radiating aggravated on movement, relief on rest.

History of past illnesses

Patient is not a known case of diabetes, asthma, hypertension, tuberculosis.
He has no history of allergy to antibiotics and hormones
He has not undergone any blood transfusion, surgeries and chemo- radiation before.

Personal History


Appetite- normal

Non vegetarian

Bowels- regular

Micturition- normal

Known allergies- absent

Alcohol history- occasional

Tobacco and bettelnut usage- no

Family history

No case of diabetes, heart diseases, hypertension,stroke,cancer, tuberculosis and  asthma


No pallor ,cyanosis, clubbing,icterus,lymphedenopathy and odema
Physical status - Moderately built
                               Hydration adequate

Vitals -

Temperature: 99F

Pulse rate: 98 beats / min

BP: 130/90mmhg

Respiration rate: 16cpm

Spo2 : 99%
On examination -

Tenderness - absent

Knee rotation: normal

Ankel rotation : normal

No swelling

Scar over right leg near knee 70 degree anterior and over middle third and distal part of left leg

Systemic observation- 


No murmur 
No thrills 
S1 and S2 heart sounds heard
Rhythm - normal 
Volume - normal 


- patient is conscious
- speech is present
- reflexes are normal
Respiratory :BAE+ , NCBS heard 

Per abdomen : soft , not tender


Blood group - A+ve

Hemoglobin %- 17 g/dl

ESR-5 mm/hr

Blood urea - 27 mg/dl 

Blood sugar - 100 mg/dl

Serology- negetive 

Urine albumin - trace 

Electrolytes - Na : 135 mmol/L
                          K : 4.7 mmol/L
                          Cl:107 mmol /L


Day 1 : Dolo 650 mg sos 
Day 2: Dolo 650 mg sos

Provisional diagnosis - 24 year old with right tibia IM nail insitu for implant removal

Plan of care- implant removal

Prognosis- guarded 
Postoperative instructions-
NBM till further order
- Inj MONOCEF 2g zu BD 
-Inj AMIKACIN 500 mg zu OD
- Inj  METROGYL 100 ml zu TTD
- Inj NEOMOL 100ml zu 
- Inj PAN 40 zu OD 
- Inj ZOFER 4 mg sos
- Inj TRAMADOL 1 amp in 100 ml zu sos


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